Lauren's Blog

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I have been in a really odd mood lately. All of these random thoughts keep popping into my head that really have nothing to do with anything. I feel like Andy Rooney.

If you choose to comment on my next paragraph, I will not respond. Just so you know. I don't care what you think so don't argue with me.

From what I've read about this new Immigration law in Arizona, I am all for it. I know everyone is freaking out for who knows what reason because they think it's racist or what-not. If you are living in the United States of America without going through the proper procedures, you are here ILLEGALLY. Last time I checked, when you do something illegal, there is consequences. Why should coming to this country illegally be any different?! If the police suspect that someone is here when they're not supposed to be, they should have every right in the world to question them and take appropriate action. Just like if the police suspect someone of committing another crime, they have the right to question the person and take action. Because that's what these illegal aliens are doing....they're committing a crime. I have no idea why everyone is getting their undies in a twist for the fact that people are being arrested for doing something illegal. These people are hopping the fence and getting hired by companies who are looking to cut costs since you can pay them less and taking our jobs when they shouldn't even be here in the first place. All you have to do is follow procedure if you want to come to this country. If you do it, then welcome! I'll welcome you with open arms. But, if you're hopping over the fence when you shouldn't be....sorry Manuel, it's back over for you.
Okay, maybe that last line was not appropriate. Blame my anger for it. Also keep in mind that I'm forming my opinion based on what I've read, if there's other tid-bits I'm missing then I'm sorry....but again, I don't care to argue.

I am still waiting for a release date for the new Goo Goo Dolls album......I'm getting impatient....

Mark Knopfler concert was actually very good. I highly enjoyed it. I would definitely go see him again. Only bummer was he had to sit the whole time because he pinched a nerve in his leg and was sort of limping from it.

It really makes me mad (still) that people who are ass holes get everything handed to them and good hearted, decent, caring people have to constantly struggle through life. I see it every day and it's incredibly annoying. All I wish is that the assholes will eventually get what's coming to them and turn their lives around for the better.

I think I need to make some big changes. I have to start surrounding myself with more people who actually care about me instead of bothering with some of these mindless androids who couldn't care less. I'm tired of being the one who's always holding things together. Friendships work both ways. I don't care how busy you are, always make time for your friends.

God may have finally set me free from a situation that happened about four years ago that really messed me up big time. I used to think about it and get really hostile and angry with my blood boiling. Now I think about it and feel calmer...even laugh sometimes.

I am really glad that I have the spirit that I do. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I think I'm just the right balance of good and reason. (sounds like a character from the Phantom Tollbooth, really...) I have been seriously blessed with common sense. I know some of the things I say may sound hostile, but really, just think about it for five minutes....not everything can be all hummingbirds and butterflies. No matter how much you want it to be. There's ugly things out with it.

I think Topper may be my new favorite character from Dilbert. I wish he was in more of them.

This coming Tuesday will be the third week in a row that I am going to attempt to go to Elizabeth Park. Hopefully I'll make it this week. The weather has been sketchy on Tuesdays (Of course, it's my day off. But, I had a really great day with my Mom this past Tuesday so I'm not too angry...but, hopefully I'll get there this week. I'm dying to take pictures and sit out in the sun on a blanket reading or doing whatever.

I just over heard someone outside saying that they work at a bottle return.

I also over heard this the other day:

4 year old boy: Mommy, is it raining?
Mother: No, it's not raining, it's a bright sunny day.
4 year old boy: But Mommy, I think it's raining!
Mother: Well, then someone must have spit on you because it's not raining!!!

I was super psyched to find MythBusters on Netflix instant streaming. TOTALLY rockin' on that. The Discovery channel is one thing I do miss about not having cable. Honestly, I don't think I've watched anything on TV in probably two months...or more. And I really don't miss it all that much. I have my antenna, but....meh. I'd rather watch DVDs and stuff on Netflix.

Next concert that I have tickets for is CREED!!!! August 2nd. SOOO psyched. Hoping to make it to YES and Peter Frampton, and Tom Petty in between long as the finances hold out.

Alrighty. I guess that is all.


posted by Lauren 5/05/2010 09:56:00 PM

*Lauren's Blog*

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DISCLAIMER: All of the things written here are the views/opinions of ME. I'm not writing in here to make you happy. I'm writing here to make me happy. Thats why it's MY page. I don't care if we don't have the same tastes or disagree about things. We're all different, and you're welcome to your opinions. You may find many things about me that you don't like. But when it boils down to it, I don't care. If you don't like what I write, don't read it.
I'm normal, but I'm completely different. I should have been born about 20 years before I actually was. Most of the music I listen to, the way I dress, and the way I think all go back to that time. As a result, I relate a lot better to people who are older than me. I'm completely independent and rely on nobody except myself (and God). I've been living on my own for 3 years. I didn't really go to college. My goals were just different than most peoples. I wanted to be out on my own and working rather than sitting in a classroom with no real direction. Besides, school is just not for me. I enjoy learning when I'm not forced to do it. I read constantly and am always learning new things. I hope to be involved with TV, music, or movies in someway. I would also love to write. I'm a realist. I have an excellent head on my shoulders. I have more common sense than most people. The most important thing in my life is my relationship with God. The best advice I can give to anyone is laugh.....always :)

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