Thursday, July 01, 2010
For those of you who didn't know already, I'm a HUGE music snob. At least for music from the late 90's and beyond. I don't have much tolerance for it. If you're a band past the late 90's, you had better prove yourself to me for me to listen to you. I also REALLY hate when newer bands think they're cool and decide to cover older classics. It IRRITATES me to no end. (I'm not necessarily okay with classic bands covering older songs either) Although what I'm about to rant about doesn't really involve older bands, but I felt the need to say that that annoys me. Because, this is my Blog...and I can do that on my blog.
About six months ago I was in the parking lot of Target after a great shopping spree and I was in a fantastic mood. Love shopping at Target. :-P anywhoo, when I was in my car I turned on the radio, because that's what I do. I heard what appeared to be the beginnings of a very popular song by Janis amazing artist. She had covered a few songs in her day. So, naturally, I turned it up...because again, that's what I do. However, upon listening to the song further, I realized that it was not Janis Joplin singing, but a singer I despise. Someone by the name of Melissa Ethridge. I nearly lost my lunch. I can't think of anyone with a worse voice. Although I do have to give her a little bit of credit because her lyrics are fairly decent. But that's not the point. Recognize that certain songs are CLASSICS and leave them alone. I'm honestly not even sure how I feel about Santana covering "Photograph" by Def Leppard. Even though they are two artists from the same generation, and I love them both, it is a little weird. But getting on to my point, A few days ago, I was once again in the car and heard a familiar tune. This time, a YES song called "I've seen all good people" an amazing song, amazing lyrics (mostly about the game of chess) and amazing instrumentals. I know prog rock is really old news now, but YES definitely has their fans. But, it was not Jon Anderson singing. It was some flighty dude whom I did not recognize. At first I didn't want to know who did it. But curiosity kept biting at me so I went online and looked it up. It was someone by the name of "Matthew Sweet". I had heard of him back when I was about 10. A serious crime had been committed against music. To me, Matthew Sweet covering that song was way worse than the crime Melissa Ethridge committed. Again, I almost lost my lunch. I can not BELIEVE that someone as lame as Matthew Sweet had the balls to cover a classic YES song when he can't carry a tune with the biggest bucket in the world. IRRITATING. IRRITATING to say the least.
I feel bad for kids today. They have no idea what they're missing. All they have is Miley Sirus and the Jonas Brothers and that Justin kid and Lady Gaga bullshit. They will never know true, classic music. Some will, and that's good. But, I feel so bad for them. They've been brainwashed by the idea of crap music and they can't escape. I'm sick of little whimpey high-pitched singers....because that's all any new band can come up with now a-days who put on eye-liner and "skinny jean" and call it self expression. Really, the only thing that you're expressing is that you're an ass-hole. Thanks to the singer of "Greenday", everyone seems to be following in his footsteps. I really wish there was a real School of Rock. It would benefit the younger, brainwashed generations.
LONG LIVE CLASSIC ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Lauren 7/01/2010 08:38:00 PM